Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Letter G

G is for me!  Well for Gilligan, my name by marriage.  A name that I fully embrace, despite my aversion to writing the letter G.   I am even a proud owner of some vintage rocks glasses with Gs printed on them. (I am drinking out of now right now!)

Typography/Font Roll-Call
Top: Tropicana, Guttenberg MF, Christmas Card II
Middle: Braggadocio, Cocktail, Showboat Regular
Bottom:  Oliver, Baskerville Old Face, Budmo Jiggler


  1. I'm totally going to print this (with your permission) for my Grace. She LOVES her "G-Grace"
    Can't wait for girls love their letters!

  2. Of Course you can print!
    If you want it in a higher res, just email me and I will send your way!

  3. I'm doing 5x5's to frame in their play room:) So I think these will be just fine. Can't wait for the K tomorrow....hey could it by chance coordinate colors with the G somehow...ha ha!
