Sunday, September 19, 2010

Times...They Are A-Changing

Well not really changing so much as making me feel a bit old (I don't know what it is about turning 30, but ever since April circumstance keeps popping up to make me feel a smidge old)

What is it, you ask, that is adding wrinkles to my mind?  Well my baby brother is getting married! 

Yes, I know, he is almost 24 years old and will be close to the same age I was when I married, but still he will always be my baby brother.  Even when he is taller than I and could easily toss me a fair distance. 

While this is a strain on my somewhat delusional '30 is the new 20/still young' identity, I am VERY happy for Tom & Jess.   Happy to see them so in love, happy to help plan another wedding and of course happy to design some lovely wedding paper!  

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Megan!
    Just found this website that checks for other mentions of your on-line presence - thought you might enjoy it.
