I on the other hand have been procrastinating this and have done nothing! I know, total Halloween bummer. It really is one of my favorite holidays, has been since I was little, I swear!
So everyone enjoy the weekend and be safe.
As a sneak peak into my next project, this is another of my favorites since childhood. I have always LOVED alphabet posters/art. I think part of this love stems from an alphabet quilt that hung in my sister’s room growing up. Wait a second…now this is all coming together! This quilt must actually be the first big typographic influence in my life…it’s all coming together now! Ha!
I am not sure if it is because many of my friends’ children are now learning their ABCs, but more and more recently I’ve been drawn to alphabet art and thought that I would make a little something of it. Starting on Monday and over the next month I intend to deliver a letter post a day and toward the end I have a fun wedding craft idea that I’ve been thinking about and plan to create and share, so stay tuned!
In the meantime check out these alpha posters I found on…where else…etsy of course!
Halloween Alpha Sign by Bibbitty