Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Shining Baptism Announcements
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I'm off like a...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Paper Wreath
Monday, April 19, 2010
A Bride’s Best Friend!
Oh the joy of that little blue box! I think that any girl, whether she admits it or not, will have an increase in heart rate and butterflies in their stomach when she sees that blue box tied with a white ribbon.
Well get ready world because about 160 women (and men, but they probably won’t care as much) out there are now going to have that tiny bit of pleasure delivered to their door. While these invitations are not the real deal arriving from a tiffany store, they certainly have the feel of it and as the bride of this invite would say: “These is even better than the tiffany blue!”
To create this Tiffany & Co. look, I took some lovely shimmery tiffany blue (well ‘Caspian’ in my swatch book) colored pocket folds and paper paired it with some lovely patterned vellum that I think mirrors the facets of a diamond and added a bit of bright white shimmer. Tie it all together with a 7/8th” White satin ribbon and - VOILA! - A Tiffany inspired wedding invitation! What better way to get your guests excited for a wedding than to remind them of diamonds!
As a side note, check out my FAVORITE Tiffany line of jewelry by Frank Gehry. I have a few of the silver pieces and the next item on my wish list is this lovely little diamond ring. I’m not holding my breath, but I know it will be mine someday!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Boston Marathon Alzheimer's Fundraiser
For those that do not know, one must qualify under a certain time to run in the Boston Marathon and Erika, without even trying, keeps re-qualifying with a better time every year.
On top of the amazing feet of running 26.2 miles each year, she also is dedicated to raising funds for Alzheimer’s research.
This past month our grandmother passed away after suffering for over 13 years from Alzheimer’s, living the last years of her life without the ability to even communicate. The disease is truly a HORRIBLE one and the Alzheimer’s Association can use every penny it receives to fund research, find out how to prevent, diagnose and hopefully, some day, find a cure.
So for those than can, please help support this cause and my sister's 4th Boston Marathon run by clicking here and donating to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Save the Date: Library Card Catalogue

And guess what? She picked it! Yay!
So, I have since decided this younger sister of my childhood friend isn’t quite so annoying after all. (Actually, she is quite an accomplished, articulate and absolutely lovely young woman, but sometimes I just can't get her 5 year old tantrums out of my mind)
Here is the finished product!
For those of you who are either too young or just never made it to the library, here is a brief explanation of my inspiration: I mirrored the outside flap of the save the date to look like an old card catalogue. Then on the inside of the flap I took all the wedding details and laid them out like an actual catalogue card is set up. (Now some of you librarians out there, please note I took a bit of liberty with the exact details…so no harping on my design if it doesn’t line up just perfectly with the dewy decimal system and other such Liberian nonsense. I do hope I did this archaic research system justice!)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Oh The Excitement Of It All!
For those of you that don’t know, my main paper supplier is Envelopments. The Envelopments Team is at the forefront of paper design and they just came out with TONS of fabulous new colors, patterns, textures, shapes, sizes and I just can’t get enough!
Here are a few pics of some of my favorite new things.
Click on this link to see even more. (If you have even a tiny bit of obsession with paper and office supplies, much like me (click here for more on that), get ready for some giddy butterflies to fly around your stomach)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Beautiful Boxed Invites
Just this past week I dropped some lovely boxed wedding invitations in the mail. They are pretty fabulous letterpress cards, printed in black and celadon green, and placed in a celadon box mailer from Paper Source.
I really enjoyed working on this design. The simple, clean, elegance of the typeface really reflects the wedding couple and their style perfectly. (Click here to see the save the dates for this same couple)
Once again, Porridge Papers did an amazing job with the printing and paper. Thank you for making my designs look so good!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Check out these decals that I found on etsy. Frickin’ hilarious!

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Real Weddings #1: Lisa & Jim

The Guest Book
Silver cards with notes to the happy couple posted on a bulletin board covered with glittery pink and silver paper.

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Calling Cards, oh the Decorum of it all…
"If it worked in the 1800s why not modern times!"
In the 19th century, ladies of leisure would circulate amongst their social circle and if they ever expected to be received at a home of a friend, acquaintance or even an enemy, then she must present a calling card stating her name.
This was essentially a way for the lady of the house to screen her ‘calls’. She could either choose to receive her guest or “not be at home.” -Total slap in the face if you ask me-
Now that we have FANCY technology such as cell phones with caller ID, texting and email, there is so little need for such formalities of returning a social ‘call’ in person. In fact that would be considered rude to just show up on a person’s doorstep.
What we do have need for is a way to convey our numerous numbers, emails, blog links, facebook, etc.
Here are two quick designs I came up with today: both could work for male or female, depending on the colors used, and the one on the right is a kids design.

I love the idea of children walking around with their own business cards/calling cards! Just imagine a little boy walking up to you, shaking your hand and saying:
“Nice to meet you, my name is Owen, I’m 5 years old and here’s my card!”
Ha! I LOVE IT! And what a cute little gift to give your son/daughter, nephew/niece, god child…or little friend of the family.